Daily Archives: August 2, 2011

Before The Shot

Set upI don’t get a chance to play much, but I like to play golf. In the game of golf, what I do BEFORE the shot is crucial to whether or not I make a good shot. My goal is to be consistent and predictable in my routine. My thoughts and movements prior to my swing helps to prepare for the swing itself.

My routine generally includes the following: standing a couple of steps behind the ball to focus on the line to my target, then moving to the side and positioning my club (hopefully a correct club selection, but that’s another subject in itself), positioning my hands on the grip, and squaring my feet, shoulders, and hips to the target. If I’m consistent (and you really have to play a lot to really be consistent, I’m not there, yet), it becomes part of my muscle memory and is brief and natural. So basically, plan the shot, set up, swing.

I also need a consistent “pre-shot” routine in my daily life as well. It is difficult to establish a consistent routine, just as it is in golf. Once it is part of my “muscle memory” it makes a world of difference. So, what should my spiritual pre-shot routine be? It includes spending regular time with my Heavenly Father, preferably, for me, early in the morning, by reading and meditating on scripture.

My time with the Father also includes a time of prayer. A time of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication (asking). Also as I talk to Him throughout my day, asking Him for His help, and praying for others. It is also helpful to be still and allow Him to speak to me.

“I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.” —Psalm 119:15